Q & A For Clients
I get a lot of questions from clients when they book a photoshoot. Some of them are nervous and feel insecure about how everything works. Also, a lot of potential clients don't book because they think they can't do it or aren't good enough. So, let me answer a few of the common questions and concerns I recieve:

Do I have to transport my horse? -99% of all photoshoots take place at the horses stable but you are of course free to take your horse to a special place that you favorite! I can help you collect permits if the place is restricted. It's impossible to find any beautiful areas around my stable! -Trust me! This is what I do and finding good backgrounds for our photos is never a problem :) Do I have to be in the photos? -That's entirely up to you! We can do a whole session with just your horse(s). You can be in as few or as many photos as you like.

My horse is NOT photogenic, so there really is no point.. -With the right angles and some photographer expertise, every horse can look good in a photo :) I will dust off your star and make him/her shine!
I get really uncomfortable in front of the camera. How do I relax? -This one is a piece of cake. I am very easy going and will get you to relax pretty fast. And horses really help in this situation. Standing next to your best friend will not only ease your mind but also give you somewhere to place your hands. And I use a 200mm lens so I will be 20 meters away from you. What if my horse gets nervous or stressed? Usually if this happens it's because we have moved away from the stables quite a bit. In the case of the horse getting anxious, we will simply move closer to the stables. A good tip with this kind of horse is to bring a companion so that he/she doesn't feel alone. I have over 20 years of experience with horses so I will never put you or your horse in an unsafe situation.

I have no idea about posing me or the horse! -This usually comes naturally, but ofcourse - I will give you pointers and help as much as needed. Don't worry about looking good for the camera - I'll help you to show your best side and catch the perfect moments. What happens if the weather is bad? -Well, it has to rain for us to cancel. Cloudy or overcast weather is actually good! In case of too much rain we find a new date for the shoot (no additional charges).
What kind of photos do I get?
-That's up to you! We can do portaits of your horse, you and your horse(s), riding photos, black background photos or action photos - the possibilities are endless! Tell me what you wish and we can combine the things you want to do and fit them into a photoshoot.

How do I book and what do I wear?
-You can book by sending me an e-mail or contact me via the form in my website. When you make a booking I send you a pdf with all the practical information you need including how to prepare your horse, what to wear, what places to look for around the stable and ofcourse detailed information about what happens when we are finished. I am always available for questions or concerns so you should never hesitate to contact me.
Link to online form: http://www.hestefotograf.com/kontakt
My e-mail address: hestefotograf@gmail.com
FYI: ALL the photos in this blog are of clients - no models. If you want to see more, check out the section called "Horses & Clients".

Looking forward to meeting you and your horse!
Best regards from Anette :)